Finding You


Self-doubt may be a debilitating and powerful voice that keeps you from achieving your goals. It prevents you from making use of your opportunity. It makes starting and finishing tasks more difficult than they need to be.


Finding You: Confronting Your Doubting Thought Patterns & Moving Towards Your New Life (Transforming You)

Self-doubt may be a debilitating and powerful voice that keeps you from achieving your goals.

It prevents you from making use of your opportunity.

It makes starting and finishing tasks more difficult than they need to be.

Sure, it can be useful sometimes, such as when you need to see your existing limitations or recognize a half-baked or terrible idea. But, for the most part, negative thoughts keep you from enjoying many of life’s exquisite pleasures and moments.

We’ve all been in that situation. At times in our lives, we wonder if we are doing enough or capable of facing all of the uncertainties that will inevitably arise as we get older. We have self-doubts about judgments and choices we’ve made, or we just believe we’re not good enough.

When we lack confidence or believe we are incapable of doing what we need to achieve, we experience self-doubt. People who have self-doubt suffer anxiety about things they can’t control or worry about things not going as planned.

In this book, Jacqueline T. Hill will walk you through all facts about self-doubt, behaviors and ideas to help you come out from destructive inner thoughts and ensures you are Becoming new.

This book focuses on,

  • Self-Doubt
  • Where Does Self-Doubt Come From?
  • Impact of Self Doubt
  • Common Causes of Self Doubt
  • Signs you’re dealing with self-doubt
  • How to Get Rid of Self-Doubt
  • Treatment and Strategies, plus more!

Additional information


Paperback, Paperback (Autographed), Ebook


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