God Can Call You To Start A Business & Write For A Living

To start a business and write for a living can begin at any point in your life, especially when you decide to answer your purpose and call to them.

Answering the call of God to start a business and write begins at a different point for people. In any event, please don’t feel like you’re too young or old. 

That being said, I believe to start a business and write is certainly a call and purpose to help others, provide solutions and make a living simultaneously.

It’s a matter of knowing when you are to begin. One thing is for certain, don’t feel like you’re too late or it can never be completed. While these thoughts and feelings are normal, it doesn’t mean they’re right.

If you haven’t answered this call, I would like for you to consider how some things happen to get your attention to move you in the right direction to start a business.

Here’s one way to consider it’s time to start a business and write.

Let’s look at how situations can surface if you’re still at a nine to five. Is it possible that all of the havoc on the nine to five and in your life is trying to get your attention on a bigger level?

Sometimes things may go wrong on the job to get your attention to be where God wants you.  

There are moments when you’ll start to feel uncomfortable in certain job positions, ministry positions, and specifically around people.

I never thought this would happen to me. There was no solid clue that I’d be a business owner or an entrepreneur.

I mean my mom was a wifepreneur and entrepreneur. My father owned a few businesses in the finance industry. He rose to millions within a few years of his beginning.

But, I didn’t think this was my lot. I focused on degrees, corporate, community and the education field.

I pursued degrees in education because I had other plans to serve the community with my own school.

It was honestly never on the list because I focused greatly on my education and bettering myself in Corporate and Education.

But beneath this was a hidden figure. A gem. The rarest of diamonds in the rough. I always had a strong attraction and passion for marketing.

My eyes sparkled a lot towards it while working with the 500 Fortune Company. By the way, we grossed in millions weekly. But, as the saying goes, “all paths lead to one purpose.”

All paths are like training schools. They prepare you for the bigger calling and purpose. However, it’s very easy to get distracted and caught up in the moments.

It brings on the feelings of “this is right where I’m supposed to be” not knowing it might be an illusion.
An illusion is a deceptive appearance. It looks real. Feels real. Tastes real. But is far from real.

And you don’t realize these things until you’re at the end of the training part per se.

Another way to consider it’s time to start a business and write.

You may be unemployed for many reasons. Perhaps an injury, write-up or the job gave you a final notice, so you’re no longer working.

Instead of sitting around doing absolutely nothing, think of it as God positioning you to start a business. I can totally relate to this because of an injury I incurred at my last job.

I remember as if it were yesterday. Student’s were taking the state test for English. I was assigned to administer and proctor the test this day.

By law, teachers are required to stand and actively monitor the students. Unfortunately, I broke my 3rd metatarsal on my left foot. My doctor required me to stay off it for eight weeks.

This encounter left me with no choice but to resign. Honestly, the decision was hard. It was tough because I love(d) teaching and had hoped to become an administrator over a school one day.

But, God had other plans. Someone dear to my heart, a seasoned spiritual mother-like figure said to me, “You want to be a principal, but what does God want?” At this point, I went to pray and God led me in the direction to start a business and write.

God Can Call You To Start A Business & Write For A LivingHow Things Can Shift You To Start Your Business & Write

Whenever it’s time to shift in life, ever notice how things get rocky? Do things start shaking around you?
It’s like your days at that particular workplace get worse.

▪️You may argue more with your boss or coworkers.
▪️Feel I don’t want to go in today.
▪️Call out frequently or every Friday.
▪️Get up later and arrive later.
▪️You’re less focused passionate.
▪️There’s a lack of motivation.

I switched careers and eventually felt all of the above for each job. Until my best gifts came forth and pulled me in the direction of business ownership.

You’re mind and heart finally connect and agree that business ownership is where you need to be. There’s no divide. Everything within you feels certain and confident.

You don’t even question things. There are no worries about timing because all the signs point to business ownership.

This reminds me of the lines from Emily Dickinson.

After great pain, a formal feeling comes –
The Nerves sit ceremonious, like Tombs –

You see, your business training and people encounters come to prepare you for something bigger and greater. Your nerves and anxiety line up to the strength within to move forward. 

Thus, you’ll begin to walk into your happy place.

Whom God Calls, God Equips & Qualifies

No expert is an expert without training, preparation, and study. For example, I  started working for a newspaper company during my teen years.

The job position included stuffing envelopes with direct mail pieces to millions of subscribers and data entry for various accounts.

I’d read the direct mail marketing pieces. Observed the marketing language and thought “I can write persuasively like this.”

Eventually, I moved higher in the newspaper company to assist many executives in advertising, marketing, circulation, editors, reporters and the publishers.

The company paid for me to take Microsoft classes in Word, Excel, and PowerPoint for data reports and presentations.

Then, I shifted to education. Learned to teach thousands of students how to write and understand fiction and nonfiction.

While working in corporate and education, I put forth lots of effort in community service by serving in the capacity of ministry. All of this prepared me for business ownership, to start a business and write.

No matter your time and experiences in life and corporate, these things start the process for you to start a business.

Now, my expertise continues to come forth in my business. Don’t get me wrong. 


I have my visions and goals as a writer and business owner. I decided to start a business, write and not look back. Believe it or not, it’s in you to do the same.

All you need to do is devise solid action-steps to bring you incredible results. Yes. Write down an informal plan to start your business.  

You’re never too old or young to start a business. Albeit part time or full time, it’ll be the best life transition and most fulfilling feeling ever.

Leave a comment! I’d love to hear from you. I read and respond to my community.

Images are courtesy of Pixabay. 

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